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A First in Turkey! | Asav Danışmanlık

A First in Turkey!

Published in News

Prospective Chinese brides and bridegrooms line up to get their photos taken in our tourism locations such as Cappadocia, Hierapolis, Ephesus, Çırağan etc. As a matter of fact, photograph tours from China to Turkey have been started. Here is the new trend that Chinese believe brings good luck…

In the recent period, Chinese people seem to fall in love with Turkey. The new trend among the couples to get married is that they wear wedding dresses in Turkey before the marriage ceremony and, have their wedding photos taken in the perfect and unique tourism and historical places of our country. Chinese couples, who return to their country after a pre-honeymoon in Turkey, shows their photos taken therein to their guests. Chinese people especially prefer Cappadocia, Hierapolis, Ephesus, Çırağan and Süleymaniye. They believe that these photos would bring them good luck. Lin Qing (32) studied Turkish in the Beijing Foreign Languages University. She has come to our country to work even years ago. She has worked in such positions in the thermal power plants and investment projects of Chinese companies in our country. She established her own organization company in Turkey. And she has created a tourism line to bring tourists from China, her own country, thousands of kilometers away from our country.

source: http://www.sabah.com.tr/cumartesi/2017/03/11/cinli-ciftlerin-turkiye-sevdasi


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